View Container Logs

Sometimes its useful to view the log output of a particular container. Kalm provides a view to quickly view logs in the web:

log button

Example Container Setup

Let's create a container that logs output every second. Create a New Application, then Add a single Component named logviewer with the image set to busybox.

In the Command input box, enter the following command, which outputs a timestamp every second:

/bin/sh -c 'i=0; while true; do echo "$i: $(date)"; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done'

log component

Click Deploy to instantiate the component container.

View log

After deployment is complete, click the Log Icon:

log button example

You should see the Log View:

log view

Logging system

You may ask, can I only view my program logs one by one container? What if I want to view aggregated logs for a specific time period?

Don't worry, see if Logging System meets your needs.

Last updated on by Tian